Congratulations, you're Dr. James Wilson! You've got the tough role of being the conscience and best friend to Dr. Greg House, which proves that you must be secretly (or openly) insane. You're always a good person for providing advice, witty remarks, free lunches, lectures, and (wanted or unwanted) psychoanalysis. You are about as confident as the average person, but you have some big issues with yourself, and may have problems living up to the ideals you have in your head. You do really care about other people, though, even if you sometimes express that caring by trying to get into their pants.
Eks ma olengi hulluke jah. Ja Dr. House'iga (Liisiga) paras paar :) Mul oli vahepeal suur mood end väljendada suurtes "selline-elu-ongi" klišeedes, aga loodetavasti hakkan ma sellest harjumusest vabanema :)
1 ...kaja:
Jessuke, sa oled mulle tõesti täpselt selline- parim sõber ja nõuandja ja psühhoanalüüsi teed ka :D Ja naljakaid märkusi. Ja tasuta lõunaid (noh, vähemalt jäätisekokteili... ja praamipiletite eest olen ma ikka võlgu :S)
Püksi sa pole mulle veel pugeda üritanud, aga ükskord kirehoos lõhkusid mu trussikud ära küll :D
Ja hoiad mind pahandustesse sattumast- et ma igast praamimolkuste ja klubineegritega ula peale ei läheks :D
lahe lahe!
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